My Breakfast
Yet another Everyday Matters Drawing Group assignment finished ! This one was for week #24, "draw some fruit". While I'd like to work on this some more, (especially the coloration of the cherries) it will have to remain as is, I'm afraid my models will be consumed in the morning.
added 7/29: Thanks everyone for your comments! And for those inquiring minds, the dvd was "Telluride Bluegrass Festival: Thirty Years" which I watched primarily for those few minutes of heaven when all my boys (Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile, Mike Marshall, Bela Fleck) gathered together on stage with all the other artists at the festival and played themselves silly.
added 7/29: Thanks everyone for your comments! And for those inquiring minds, the dvd was "Telluride Bluegrass Festival: Thirty Years" which I watched primarily for those few minutes of heaven when all my boys (Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile, Mike Marshall, Bela Fleck) gathered together on stage with all the other artists at the festival and played themselves silly.