Friday, November 21, 2008

Cindy Woods 1956-2008

Our dear friend has gone. Her passing was peaceful and with not much lingering, as she wanted.
This last week was a good one. She wasn't in any pain and felt up to visits from a multitude of friends and family. She was lucky enough to be able to tell everyone what she wanted to and to hear what she meant, the comments here included.
Thank you to everyone who has taken time to look at her drawings and follow her exploits. She has left us quite a legacy.


An Open Thank You


I'm honored to say that you are my best friend. We've shared so many great experiences that were only better by being there together.

I have so many fond memories of our great adventures: good food, beautiful places, amazing art, inspiring music, terrific movies, and more. All of it was enhanced by sharing the joy of their discovery with you, seeing them through your eyes as they materialized on paper through your pen or pencil of choice.

The joy with which you approach learning and discovering new things is infectious, your curiosity and openness to try something new intoxicating catalysts. You've taught me so much!

You've navigated through life the way that you navigated a New York sidewalk, with courage and confidence and eagerness to get to the next interesting thing, mindful of potholes, and with a clear vision of where you were headed. Your steady determination and thoughtfulness has been an ongoing inspiration to me.

You are an exceedingly generous and kind friend, especially when being exceedingly honest and forthcoming with your opinions. I thank you for helping me grow and for all you have done for me.

The greatest gift you have given me is your love and friendship. I know that you have felt that love and admiration returned. I can honestly and proudly say that the most successful endeavor of my life has been being your friend.

The challenge of my life ahead is to carry the banner of our friendship on and to try to share with others the great legacy of wisdom, warmth and grace you have bestowed on me and all of the many people who love you. I hope you'll be proud of me.
